Journals List

Trends in Immunotherapy

Trends in Immunotherapy (TI, eISSN: 2573-5985) is an open access peer-reviewed journal encompassing various disciplines related to all immune-system-based areas. TI has a target audience consisting of scientific researchers, professional practitioners, and medical scholars from academia, the medical industry, education, etc. It provides a forum to share scholarly works to advance immunotherapy with the combination of science and medicine.

TI publishes original research articles, review articles, editorials, mini-review articles, case reports, commentaries, correspondence articles, database articles, perspective articles, short reports, etc. Preliminary studies and pre-clinical and clinical investigative reports are welcome.

Anatomical Science

Anatomical Science (AS, eISSN: 2578-1804) is an international Open Access journal that publishes original research articles and review articles related to all areas of anatomical science. This journal covers a wide range of topics from gross anatomy to histology, neuroscience, cell biology and molecular biology.

 Imaging and Radiation Research

Imaging and Radiation Research (IRR, eISSN: 2578-1618) is an international journal that aims to communicate to its readers the state-of-the-art technologies and methods of imaging and radiation. The journal welcomes original research works (laboratory-based works, modeling, field tests, case reports), reviews, and important applications of imaging technology and radiation-related analysis, and IRR is open to subjects in medical science, surgical practices, biomedical science, biology, materials science, engineering, as well as other related branches of physics and chemistry.

Precision Medicine and Biomedical Innovations

Precision Medicine and Biomedical Innovations (PMBI) is a new international open access journal aimed at bringing all aspects of precision medicine and biomedical innovations to one platform. It publishes cutting-edge, innovative preclinical and translational scientific research and technologies related to precision medicine (e.g., personalized medicine, pharmacogenomics/proteomics, systems biology).

Medical Imaging Process & Technology

The purpose of Medical Imaging Process & Technology (MIPT, eISSN: 2578-160X) is to act as a platform for the exchange of research results concerning medical imaging technology in medical detection, prevention, health, etc. Articles published in MIPT will be of interest of medical imaging system and medical image processing, and the scope welcomes the manuscripts from all the medical imaging aspects including imaging diagnostics, radiology, endoscopy, medical thermal imaging technology, medical photography and microscope. The original research is highly regarded, such as visualization, data structure and representation, pattern matching and recognition, object detection, change detection, motion estimation and related methods.

Journal of Pediatric Diseases

Journal Pediatrics disease (JPedD, eISSN: 2574-5603) is a peer review gold open access journal, focusing on the health and disease impact of infants, children and adolescents, and its diagnosis, treatment and prevention strategies. Pediatric specialty and a wide geographical area.

We welcome the report of special effects on young patients with unknown conditions, and can significantly improve with the new (or improved) for the treatment of severe disease patient's quality of life. In addition, we also for pediatric medical communication and government policy interest. We aim to release the theme, including but not limited to:

General pediatrics, pediatric infectious diseases, pediatric drug and drug development, pediatric allergy and autoimmune diseases, pediatric vaccination and health care policy, pediatric oncology, pediatric psychiatry and neurology, pediatric surgery.